Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays

have lighted fools The way to dusty death.

Out, out, brief candle!

Life's but a walking shadow,

a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more:

it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing


Informationism and The Mainstream Media

Its been awhile since I've written on the concept of the informationism, so I will start with a bit of a summary. In general, there are two basic concepts as to the definition of informationism.

The first, is more of an empirical view, which is to say that informationism is a sort of web based terrorist propaganda technique. For instance, sending out a chain email saying that the President is not an American citizen.

When I first approached the topic, I was opposed to this definition, as I still remain, suggesting, that while this may be the reality of much of the Internet, Informationism is a more linguistic school of thought, that should serve as a deterrent to distortions of truth.

With this in mind, I suggested that Informationsim seeks to establish three fundamental goals.

1) Determine the accuracy of information.

2) Determine the relevancy of information.

3) Catalogue and organize information in such a way, so as to make it easily accessible.

With these two concepts in mind, I will move onto the role of the media.

In general, informationism, as a method for determining truth, accepts as its fundamental premise, that the more mainstream a source, the more credible the source. For instance, a statistic taken from the blog of Joe the Plumber
is not considered to be a credible source, because it lacks the element of accountability. There is not reputation to be maintained, there is no regulation to insure the statement is true, in many cases, we don't even know who the anonymous blogger is, or if they are just making things up.

In contrast, information obtained and cited with a link from a study from a collegiate study from the Berkley Institute of Science is considered to be a highly credible source.

Now, this is not to say that a blog entry is by necessity in error. In contrast, informationism asks the question, what is the source of information that the entry has used to provide evidence. If the evidence is obtained from a highly credible source, the blog is considered to be credible. If it is obtained from highly partisan and uncredible sources, then the entry is not considered to be credible.

This assumption, leads us ultimately to the role of the mainstream media. In general, a quote taken from the mainstream media, or the AP is considered to be accurate and in context.

Unfortunately, this leads us to the question of media bias. When a mainstream outlet like Fox consistently gives a rightwing slant on an issue, this distorts the accuracy of information.

The answer to this, is that we take note of the political leanings of a particular source. So when a a blog entry uses FOX as a resource, because the media syndicate has a reputation for right wing bias, this in turn calls into question the accuracy of the information.

For this reason, it should be of the greatest interest of the mainstream media to protect its credibility. (This is also why competing networks go to such efforts to attack the credibility of its competitors.)


The Indoctrination of a Conservative pt 2

In part one of the Indoctrination of a conservative, I outlined the seven basic steps utilized by the conservative media to pursue its agenda of radical empiricism. I've decided to expand on this topic, by utilyzing these steps to create a typical conservative essay. I have chosen a random topic, out of the news. It is one that has relatively little importance, that was in fact my criteria for selection. The more absurd the evidence I use, the more this demonstrates that the conservative agenda promotes style over substance.

So without further adieu...

As I was preparing for this essay, I noticed a story that the mainstream media isn't reporting to you. Thats because, they don't want you to know. No the drive-bye media is too busy trying to distract you from the truth.

Yet have no fear, I your humble host, will bring it to you. Because its important that we know whats going on. And here, I stand, the voice of opposition, the last man standing. The only one, not afraid to tell you the truth.

You know, everyday, I get e-mails, from concerned citizens. People, just like you, asking me, what can I do? We know something has gone terribly wrong, and yet, nobody is listening to us, the people. yet I hear you, and so I will stand up to the mainstream media, as the sole voice of truth.

Thats because, I have confidence in you, my audience. You have taken the time to learn the truth. And my audience, they are better informed than the mob. We have given them the truth, and they have listened, because, they stand by thier values. They demand the truth, and so I will give it to them.

Now its important, that we stand on our values, and our principles. Because, we conservatives, we value the Constitution. We stand by the words of Thomas Jefferson, that all men are created equal, that we are granted these inalienable rights from God, to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. And we value these words, because, we love people. And we want everyone to suceed.

And thats why we have to stand up to these Liberals. They will tell you, that we hate people, they will try to decieve you, They will accuse us of sexism, racism, homophobea, anything they can, in the drive bye media. Because they are angry people. And they don't share our values.

You see, just today, I read in the news, that the first lady, Michelle Obama, has started a radical program to indoctrinate our children. You see, she wants us to believe in the hoax of global warming, and to pursue this radical agenda, she took out a group of children, and forced them to plant a garden at the White House.

You see, they want to get them while they are young. Its all part of a process of indoctrination. They want these kids to abandon the evil corporations, and become reliant on the Government. They want to build a nanny state, on a system of entitlement. They want to enslave the people, one step at a time, by increments, so that one day, we will all wake up, and say, what happened to the land of the free? What happened to prosperity? What happened to the constitution?


The Indoctrination of a Conservative

Due to the failure of the conservative agenda over the past two elections, it has come to our attention that several of our subordinates have failed to follow proper protocol. As such, we have decided to take the time to produce this primer, to help you to properly indoctrinate our flock into the church of conservatism.

1) Emotional Appeal
This is the first step of the conversion process. Inside every individual, is a sense of isolation, of failure, of rejection. We must appeal to this sense of isolationism, to make our viewer feel that they are alone. To do this, we must reinforce the concept of a biased media, a conspiracy, against the common man, brought about by elitist, that do not understand them.

2) The Hero on the White Horse
After we have reinforced this sense of isolation, we provide a solution. A sympathetic ear, the conservative movement. Yes, we here your pain, your suffering, and you are not alone, you are part of a community.

3) Demonize the opposition
Now that our viewer has found a sense of inclusion, we must create for them an enemy. We tell them, that they, are liberals, and they are not like you, they hate you, they want to enslave you.
While we introduce them to the enemy, it is important that we also reinforce that they are manipulative and deceitful. This is so that if they ever meet someone with an opposing view, they will immediately reject it, as a trick of the enemy. This will ensure our perpetual control, because they will choose to isolate themselves from the enemy for their protection.

4) Flattery
We now tell our follower, that they are the superior man. That they are smarter, better informed, that they are of higher moral character. That they have values, and that this is why the opposition wants to harm them. because they are afraid of them.

5 Talking Points
At this step, we talk about values, and the constitution, and the principles of our founding fathers. That we respect them, while our opposition does not.

6 Rage
In step 6, we talk about the issue at hand. That this is just another example of the left trying to take away the American way of life. Provide circumstantial evidence to back up the issue, we will be sure to provide them to you, as the issues unfold.

7 Incrementalism
In our final phase, we must reinforce that this is just a step in the process. The importance of this message of incrementalism, is that if we tell them that the left is going to socialize America for twenty years, people might start to wonder, why it hasn't happened yet. Well, its just a step in the process. You see, we're not saying these thing will happen, just that they could. And if they did, what we would have to be frightened of. And that, the issue at hand, is just another link in the chain.