In part one of the Indoctrination of a conservative, I outlined the seven basic steps utilized by the conservative media to pursue its agenda of radical empiricism. I've decided to expand on this topic, by utilyzing these steps to create a typical conservative essay. I have chosen a random topic, out of the news. It is one that has relatively little importance, that was in fact my criteria for selection. The more absurd the evidence I use, the more this demonstrates that the conservative agenda promotes style over substance.
So without further adieu...
As I was preparing for this essay, I noticed a story that the mainstream media isn't reporting to you. Thats because, they don't want you to know. No the drive-bye media is too busy trying to distract you from the truth.
Yet have no fear, I your humble host, will bring it to you. Because its important that we know whats going on. And here, I stand, the voice of opposition, the last man standing. The only one, not afraid to tell you the truth.
You know, everyday, I get e-mails, from concerned citizens. People, just like you, asking me, what can I do? We know something has gone terribly wrong, and yet, nobody is listening to us, the people. yet I hear you, and so I will stand up to the mainstream media, as the sole voice of truth.
Thats because, I have confidence in you, my audience. You have taken the time to learn the truth. And my audience, they are better informed than the mob. We have given them the truth, and they have listened, because, they stand by thier values. They demand the truth, and so I will give it to them.
Now its important, that we stand on our values, and our principles. Because, we conservatives, we value the Constitution. We stand by the words of Thomas Jefferson, that all men are created equal, that we are granted these inalienable rights from God, to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. And we value these words, because, we love people. And we want everyone to suceed.
And thats why we have to stand up to these Liberals. They will tell you, that we hate people, they will try to decieve you, They will accuse us of sexism, racism, homophobea, anything they can, in the drive bye media. Because they are angry people. And they don't share our values.
You see, just today, I read in the news, that the first lady, Michelle Obama, has started a radical program to indoctrinate our children. You see, she wants us to believe in the hoax of global warming, and to pursue this radical agenda, she took out a group of children, and forced them to plant a garden at the White House.
You see, they want to get them while they are young. Its all part of a process of indoctrination. They want these kids to abandon the evil corporations, and become reliant on the Government. They want to build a nanny state, on a system of entitlement. They want to enslave the people, one step at a time, by increments, so that one day, we will all wake up, and say, what happened to the land of the free? What happened to prosperity? What happened to the constitution?
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